Overview – Lean Productie Tools Course

Lean Productie Tools aims to remove activities that do not add value systematically. In a lean organization, activities are organized according to the flow of works. Products that meet customer expectations pass through the manufacturing system with the minimum loss in the shortest time. The improvement in quality and speed results in a direct cost reduction, as the activities are aimed at without additional investment. All of the lean techniques are practice-oriented work done within the workshop.

Waste in lean thinking is everything that does not offer any benefit to the user of the product or service, and that the customer will not accept to pay extra. Therefore, all kinds of waste (stocks, waiting, unnecessary jobs, errors, overproduction, etc …) must be removed. Since the waste in the system is constantly reduced by lean tools and resources are directed to create more value, not only costs are reduced, customer satisfaction increases, flexibility of adaptation to market conditions is provided, companies’ profitability and competitiveness are increased.

The goal of Lean Manufacturing Tools Course is to train experts who will apply Lean Manufacturing Techniques in their processes and ensure their sustainability.


  • What is Lean?
  • Why lean Productie?
  • Comparing lean manufacturing model with traditional manufacturing models
  • Manufacturing KPIs
  • 7+1 Waste (Muda)
  • Lean manufacturing tools
    • Standart work (Simulation via Gemba SW tool)
    • 5S – Visual management
    • Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
    • JIT model
    • SMED (Simulation via Gemba SMED tool)
    • Poka-Yoke, Jidouka
    • Kanban, Heijunka, Conwip
    • TPM


Participants who are successful in the exams and assignments to be made during the program are entitled to receive the “Achievement Certificate of Lean Manufacturing Tools”. Participants participating in the training are also entitled to receive an “Attendance Certificate of Lean Manufacturing Tools”.