Overview – Kanban Course

KANBAN is a planning technique used in Lean Production Techniques and Just-In-Time management. It is basically a simple and effective method of line feeding with minimal stock and error-free.

It realizes the principle of managing stocks with real consumption information with the KANBAN system, which started in the late 1940s and was put into practice at the Toyota main factory in 1953. When material is needed in production, the required material is produced or shipped with a signal to the supplier or the previous process. Thus, exactly the material needed is provided.

KANBAN is the basic structure of the system, which is defined as the pull system. It pulls the material from the previous operation on the time and amount needed by the next operation. The previous operation produces as much as the consumption of next operation. Briefly, the order is made retrospectively from the last operation.

KANBAN is a mechanism that provides communication between the consumption point and the supply point. Just like the messages sent by the people’s nervous system to the brain, KANBAN works backwards and pulls goods from the previous point.

The goal of Kanban course is to train experts who have capability that can lead the kanban system installation in their companies.


  • Lean management principles
  • 7 Waste (muda)
  • Lean organization
  • Production systems
  • JIT, pull-push systems
  • Kanban – Heijunka – Conwip
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Tact time/cycle time/lead time
  • Constraint management
  • Line Balancing
  • SMED
  • Pull system requirements
  • Building a Kanban board
  • Documenting a work flow
  • Change a workflow into a Kanban system
  • Kanban Simulation via Gemba Kanban Tools

Kaizen Course Duration: 3 days


Participants who are successful in the exams and assignments to be made during the program are entitled to receive the  “Achievement Certificate of Kanban”. Participants participating in the training are also entitled to receive an “Attendance Certificate of Kanban”.