Operational Excellence System Process

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence embodies an all-encompassing management approach that empowers enterprises to efficiently harness their workforce, processes, and technology, driving sustained achievements. It cultivates leadership across all tiers, fortifies decision-making frameworks, and augments efficiency. Organizations embracing this ethos streamline operations, eradicate inefficiencies, embrace ongoing enhancements, and deliver customer-centered quality services and products.

Operational excellence not only differentiates businesses but also confers a competitive advantage by swiftly adapting to evolving circumstances, shaping the business landscape

The most crucial part of this stage involves field meetings conducted with representatives from all relevant departments, at least one each. These meetings are conducted based on shift or daily outputs. The expected outcome at this stage is the visualization of the workflow;

  • Asakai / BIQ meetings
  • Visual Management Standard
  • Personel Development
  • Autonomous Maintenance
  • 5S
  • Workplace Safety
  • Problem-Solving Techniques

After ensuring completion of the level, which involves process inspections, transition to Level 2 is made. At this stage, the groundwork for autonomous management is laid by enhancing field workers’ problem-solving and leadership skills. The targeted outcome is the swift identification of interruptions and deviations in processes.

  • Professional Maintenance
  • Standard Work
  • Lean Leadership
  • BIQ Deployment
  • Pareto – PDCA (PUKÖ) Applications

As the competencies of field workers reach an adequate level, measurable current-state capabilities are established. Standards are set, enabling employees to address interruptions and deviations in processes without external support. This stage establishes the foundation for systematic improvements, considering discrepancies between goals and achievements (particularly cost-based) for systematic enhancements.

  • PB – OB Transitions
  • PDCA Meetings
  • Kobetsu Kaizen
  • Quick Kaizen
  • Kaizen Committee
  • SMED
  • Suggestion System

Process capabilities and operational levels are measured. Cost-based process improvements are implemented using statistical methods.

  • 6 Sigma Green Belt
  • 6 Sigma Yellow Belt
  • Statistical Process Control (Six Pack)
  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
  • Best Practice System
  • Poka Yoke – QA (Quality Assurance) Matrix

In this phase of Operational Excellence, management finds the opportunity to use the time previously spent on sustaining operations to now expand operations.

  • Kanban
  • Milkrun Applications
  • Spaghetti Diagrams
  • Work Study – Ergonomics
  • SMED Deployment
  • Line Balancing
  • Poka-Yoke / Error-Proof Applications

Waste elimination becomes the expertise of all employees, and management shapes business strategies using the strength of this capability. Layout optimizations are relevant in this stage.

  • SWOT
  • Risk Management
  • Change Management
  • TRIZ-ARIZ Applications

6 Sigma applications become widespread among all employees. Process parameters are determined based on models created through statistical applications.

  • 6 Sigma Black Belt
  • 6 Sigma Green Belt Deployment
  • 6 Sigma Yellow Belt Deployment
  • MSA
  • Process Modeling
  • DOE

High-capability processes are designed. Innovative approaches become part of the business culture. At this stage, businesses have medium- and long-term plans with predictive insights.

  • 6 Sigma Design
  • Optimization

5-Year Plans