Overview – Kaizen Course

Kaizen is a Japanese word which means kai – changezen – better. Its original name has been placed in the lean manufacturing literature as Kaizen. The basic logic of Kaizen is low or zero cost and consistently small improvements rather than large improvements with high investment costs.

The story of Kaizen, which has become a company culture in thousands of corporate companies, started in the 1930s. Toyota’s founder Sakichi Toyoda used to say to his employees: “Open the window, it’s a big world out there”.

The Toyota Production System (TPS), which is still an example today, was developed in the 1950s. The Toyota system is based on the logic of continuous improvement in quality, technology, processes  efficiency, leadership, health and safety.

Small continuous improvements; It has been adopted by the whole world as the proven most effective and permanent method of ensuring timely shipment, low costs and increased customer satisfaction.

Kaizen ensures participation of each individual, regardless of level and organizational hierarchy, and changes processes with suggestions from process owners. A solution oriented employee profile is created in the company by this approach. The sense of belonging of all employees to organizations becomes stronger and stronger.

The main purpose of our trainings is to ensure the active participation of all employees in continuous improvement activities. Therefore, in our workshops, the  Kaizen courses are processed with real examples from the related sectors.


  • Lean management principles
  • 7 Waste (muda)
  • Lean organization
  • What is kaizen?
  • Kaizen types
    • Quick kaizen
    • Gemba kaizen
    • Kobetsu kaizen
  • Kobetsu kaizen in 10 steps (Case Studies)
    • Selection of the kaizen
    • Setting the target
    • Building an effective work team
    • Create the Project Schedule
    • Situation Analysis
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Identification of countermeasure
    • Implementation of countermeasure
    • Check effectiveness of countermeasure
    • Standardization


Participants who are successful in the exams and assignments to be made during the program are entitled to receive the “Achievement Certificate of Kaizen”. Participants participating in the training are also entitled to receive an “Attendance Certificate of Kaizen”.